We are very excited to announce our next online event: the LIVERATION Synergies Workshop, which will take place on April 29 and whose main objective is to explore innovative practices to engage stakeholders in cancer research projects. This workshop, organized together with SHINE 2Europe, will bring together representatives from more than 10 EU projects related to cancer research.

During this event, common challenges and issues facing these initiatives will be addressed, and discussions will be facilitated to coordinate efforts and improve patient outcomes.

The projects are:

LIVERATION: An ambitious clinical trial to determine if a novel technique can reduce the recurrence rate of colorectal cancer liver metastasis (CRLM) and liver cancer and improve patient survival.

EUonQOL: To contribute to the EU initiatives against Cancer by developing the European toolkit for quality of life in oncology, a tool for the assessment of quality of life among cancer patients and survivors.

4P-CAN: The mission is to understand barriers, whether legislative, socio-economic, commercial, or behavioral to the widespread adoption of primary cancer prevention measures.

RadioVal: To implement a very comprehensive validation of artificial intelligence solutions for breast cancer treatment.

The Cinderella Project: It intends to test and validate the implementation of an AI-based tool for a safer and evidence-based clinical decision for patients proposed for locoregional treatment.

Incisive: A multimodal AI-based toolbox and an interoperable health imaging repository for the empowerment of imaging analysis related to the diagnosis, prediction and follow-up of cancer.

CCI4EU: An European initiative aiming to help Member States and Associated Countries to rethink the cancer culture by funding a more equitable transfer of knowledge to everyone.

JANE: The mail goal is to pave the way towards the creation of 7 Networks of Expertise, with the final deliverable for each being a call for expressions of interest.

SmartCARE: A flagship initiative to develop a cancer survivor smart card – in the form of a mobile app – to improve the health and wellbeing of cancer survivors throughout Europe.

SALVOVAR: A European multi-disciplinary clinical project meant to improve the management of patients with poor prognostic ovarian cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy

We are committed to developing novel approaches to reduce the burden of cancer, improve cancer care and improve patient outcomes across Europe. Stay tuned for more details on this exciting upcoming event!

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